Sunday 26 May 2013


  Academic success means different thing to different people. For some, it's passing through school with acceptable grades, to some; it's coming out tops in an academic setting. In defining academic success, it is important to look at the two sides to the coin- importance of academic success and how to achieve academic success.

   Everyone, is planted with a seed of greatness, he may not recognize this as he grows, but it's there anyway. God never created any man and called him failure. Everyman created by God wants to be associated with success, no matter how little it seems. Most growing youths would say: “I want to be like this person, I want to be like that person! 
  People assume success to mean when a man has a large house, can afford to pay his bills, have nice kids and fleet of cars. Its assumed people really donut know what it means?
   It's very important that we understand whom we are. For the fact that you failed at doing something doesn't mean you have failed. Take a good look at that venture you're going into, is it realistic? If it is then go ahead, but if it's not let it go.
   Academic success is simply when a person is able to identify a need in his/ her field of study and satisfy it. Being a successful business tycoon doesn't mean you are successful, earning huge salary at the end of every month may mean success to one man but not for another. Understand that there are numerous human needs globally, work smart to solve them; that's success.

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