Tuesday 23 July 2013


Love and a member of DLBC
Is it possible for a child brought up in another man’s land to practise his father’s tradition? Is it fair for a child to pull down what his father has built for years in one day?  What is the only constant thing in life? Can a man be punished for the sins committed by his son? Is it possible for everybody to obey a laid down rules?
These and many more are the questions I seek to find answers to with regards to the recent “doctrine” violation by John Kumuyi and his bride Love Odih of the Deeper Life Bible Church on June 15, 2013 which led to the proposed resignation of Pastor Williams Folorunso Kumuyi. The church which was founded in 1973 and built on holy-living has over the years proved untouchable by the wind of “new age” as most of its members still dress all covered from head-to-toe and not wearing jewery. But it seems like two out of many of its members were blown away by the “things of the world”. Looking at the issue, there are two sides to it, John Kumuyi who schooled outside the shores of Nigeria negated the doctrines of his father when his wife, Love Odih appeared different from the expected way a “Deeper-lifer” is meant to appear, he had gone outside Nigeria, attended weddings and seen how people dressed and so made up his mind to do same. But one will wonder if his father did not see his son’s wife-to-be before the wedding day and known that she wears makeup.
The Bride enjoying her day

Despite the fact that Kumuyi made those doctrines out of his love for decency and holy-living, he should understand that change is the only constant thing in life; his son would not possibly want his wife to dress “archaic” like his mother when she wedded. Looking at it, the lady was well dressed; every part of her body was well covered, I did not see anything wrong with what she wore at least she was obedient enough to cover-up.
I remember vividly when members of the church were not allowed to have television in their homes owing to the fact that it can lead them to sin. But today, they no longer have television, but they have DVDs and Satellite dishes. If they wanted to stay away from the “things of this world,” they shouldn’t have used phones and other electronic gadgets.
Limo used by the couple

On the other hand, people need to understand that every family have rules and regulations that must be obeyed as long as you want to belong there. Why did John go on to do what he did after all the teachings he received from his father? he should have left to another church where wearing of make-up, use of cake and bouquet is allowed that, would have saved his father all this embarrassments or was he trying to make his father happy by wedding in his church? Mind you, nobody owns any church.
For Pastor Kumuyi’s resignation wouldn’t have been the best option even if it’s what is expected of him, he cannot be punished for the “sins” of his son, the wedding has taken place already and cannot be changed. I can imagine the thoughts going on in his mind now, maybe if he had known, John would have schooled here, and maybe he should have asked Love to surrender her wedding gown for inspection. All these he probably didn’t think were necessary. Remember, there is always a FIRST TIME IN EVERYTHING.

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