Wednesday 22 May 2013


It’s important to understand that there is a difference between “privacy” and “secrecy”. Every relationship should be built on trust and to achieve this, there is need to trust and trust comes by open communication from both partners. Without trust, there is no respect and without respect, there is no intimacy.
As long as two people have made up their minds to be committed to each other, love and care for one another, there should be room for privacy but not secrecy.
You might wonder: “how will one partner have privacy and not be secretive”?
Privacy is when a partner gets a phone call and the other doesn’t jump up to receive the call, it’s when the guy is alone with the lady’s phone and a text message comes in, he doesn’t suspect it could be another guy and opens it to read except he is asked to. Privacy is when the guy plans to organize a surprise birthday party for his “sweetheart” and doesn’t let her know about it, it is when the lady knows when she says something it will jeopardize the relationship and she avoids bringing it up. Privacy is necessary to overcome some challenges alone but it becomes destructive when they become secrets.
While secrecy is covering up things with lies or withholding important information that may destroy the relationship, secrecy is when a woman had an abortion in her previous relationship and avoids telling the new guy. Secrecy is when a guy has a disease and keeps the lady in the dark; secrecy has no place in intimacy.
The reason for privacy is that there are some times that are better left untold. If you notice, when some ladies pick up their partner’s phone, the first thing she does is to go through his received and sent messages. It’s not that she doesn’t trust him; she just sees it as fun.
Then in the cause of scrolling through the messages, she sees a message from an old female class mate that says:
“Hello dearie” before the real message starts, it might not have meant anything to him but she begins to feel someone somewhere is beginning to like him, she starts feeling insecure though she may not want to confront him to avoid him asking questions about her trust for him, this is also applicable to the male folks.
 Before you know it, they become interested in one another’s calls and text messages, although they still “trust” one another. Gradually the trust they use to have begins to diminish except if they communicate with one another of their recent fears.
 For a relationship to survive, it’s advised that they become thoroughly candid with each other but avoid destructive secrets which may destroy the relationship when the truth is finally let lose.
As long as the two have decided to let each other into one another’s lives, they should share their pain, joy and struggles together there should be room for transparency.
Secrecy makes a true love relationship less transparent and this will start giving room for doubt and less commitment. If there is anyone who needs to know you best, it’s your partner and the only true way to achieve this, is to make available all the necessary information yourself.
Some persons will say allowing your partner access to your calls, text messages and mails while you two are yet unmarried is not a bad idea because it will help build trust and others will say it’s not advisable. Neither ways, every human has thoughts which he/she won’t want another to know about? As long as your want it kept in your heart, don’t let it become a secret.
kindly share after reading.thanks

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