Saturday 1 June 2013


"Rose! Rose!! Anita is dead, I just heard of it yesterday”! Glory said.
“It’s a lie” I retorted, “I couldn’t believe it myself,”she added.
“But I saw her around school in the evening, what must have gone wrong?
As I murmured these questions, my eyes became pregnant with tears as stream of salted water began to find its way down my cheek. “What must have happened to that young and promising lady”? I continued.

Then I felt a flash of light and immediately remembered the verse of the bible that said: “it’s appointed unto man to die once and after that, judgement.”
Empty we have come and empty shall we go, says the holy book, no one is born to last forever. Every man in life has an expiry date so also are the challenges of life.
As we journey through the path of destiny, we are overwhelmed by the thoughts of becoming something great. We make plans of which some could be real or unrealistic, but while we do this, it is pertinent that we accompany them with the thoughts of an inevitable force that can come at any point in time.
It comes like a thief, it’s the force that has the power to bring down the rich and make them worthless and powerless. It’s the force that the poor yearns for, to escape poverty and the troubles of life.
No one is strong enough to stop its hold, someday, somewhere, sometime we will lack air and lustre to live again, we will lay helpless and our most cherished body made public, stuff in cold a cubicle and tossed here and there.
It must happen whether we like it or not, for some it’s expected, for others it’s not. When it happens, there is still a feeling of existence when actually the spirit can no longer live within its body, lying cold in the arms of death.
It will all be over someday and friends will rally round our bedside, they will weep for a short while, they will sing the song of a fallen hero/ heroine and chorus: “what a life.”?
When it’s all been said and done, there is just one thing that matters, did I do my best to live for truth and did I live my life for Him? How ready are you when the call for a transfer away from here comes?

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